Help us protect world's rainforests
On March 24th 2021, we donated $10,000 to Rainforest Trust’s Conservation Action Fund, a fund used to support and protect endangered species, threatened rainforests and other tropical ecosystems around the world. Our donation made possible by all our loyal customers is enough to protect 5000 acres of land and keeps approximately 737,500 metric tonnes of CO2e safely stored.
Rainforests are one of the most important natural resources on Earth, and affect the daily lives of everyone on our planet. They safely store billions of tons of carbon, helping to mitigate climate change, stabilize global weather patterns, clean water, and are even a source for modern medicines. Rainforests are also home to 50% of the world’s species, many of which are critically endangered.Thousands of indigenous communities rely on these forests for their food, water and economic prosperity. In short, rainforests help to sustain life on this planet, and their long-term protection is absolutely vital for our survival.
Rainforest Trust ensures the protection of these vital ecosystems through partnerships with local communities and trusted in-country partner NGOs. The charity has already saved over 34 million acres of rainforest and other tropical ecosystems.

La protezione degli habitat ovunque è vantaggiosa per la vita ovunque. Dai parchi cittadini alle foreste pluviali, ogni specie ha un ruolo nella coreografia dell’interdipendenza. Ma le specie dipendono anche dall’habitat, dallo spazio di cui hanno bisogno per svolgere il loro ruolo. Il nostro cibo, le medicine, l'aria e l'acqua devono provenire da ecosistemi sani e le foreste pluviali tropicali ci forniscono una grande percentuale di tutti questi elementi.